Sound Cheque for DYJA

Business Card Dropped Lucky

In a pre-pandemic world where corporate events were part of the everyday business calendar, it was common place to have a prize-draw to win a free product, a bottle of champagne, a box of brownies. In a twist from the norm, Rejus Ltd, who were exhibiting at the Business Showcase in March 2020, decided to make their 'business card drop' a little different by offering to make a donation to a charity of the winner's choice. When the winning business card was drawn, DYJA were the chosen charity to recieve Rejus Ltd's generous donation. Then, in the process of organising the donation, lockdown happened! 

With all the challenges of the last year, it would be completely understandable if the gesture had been rescinded, however, true to their word, Rejus were more than happy to still make the donation and we were delighted to welcome Managing Director Babs Lynds to the centre last week to present the cheque to 3 of our young musicians.

Supporting DYJA Students

The generous donation of £250 will go directly to supporting DYJA students to ensure they can continue to access the best level of Jazz music tuition and ensemble opportunities. 
In what is often seen as an elitist activity, DYJA is passionate about affording all young people, regardless of their socio-economic background, the opportunity to experience what music education can bring to their lives. Indeed, DJYA's mission is

To inspire young people to become the best versions of themselves through the enjoyable exploration and performance of music.

We would like to say a HUGE thank you to Rejus Ltd for their donation - the timing of which is perfect as we continue to open back up with rehearsals and lessons at the Centre.